Monthly Archives: September 2011

Drama Week

It’s drama week at the Fillinger house.  No, we’re not getting ready for the latest performance at the Kennedy Center.  It’s not that kind of drama.  More like “chemically induced” drama. (I don’t want to say the “H” word–it might create more, you know, drama.)

We’ve had Grammar drama, and “what grade am I in?” drama.  I really don’t understand that one.  None of the children in this family have ever attended traditional school until they started taking classes at the community college.  Why does your grade suddenly matter? I mean, if you’re six and you’re studying Calculus, I guess that matters.  Or if you’re sixteen and you can’t read, that definitely matters.  But neither of those extremes exists here, so can’t we just relax and concentrate on learning whatever we’ve decided is the curriculum for this year?

To be fair, not all the drama has been bad.  We’ve had some fun drama too.  Today we did a science experiment that required us to take turns trying to walk up our private drive with our eyes closed to see if we could naturally walk a straight path.  Let’s just say some of us have no natural sense of direction, eyes open or closed.  I’m sure we entertained our neighbor’s elderly mother.  After I took my turn, I noticed that she had been sitting on her front porch watching the show.  She’s here visiting from Iran and speaks very little English.  Oh how I wonder what was going through her mind.  Maybe I should have my friend teach me some Farsi.  Or maybe I shouldn’t.

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